- The listed guest should not lend their room to other party. It is a violence of law should anyone occupy a room without getting registered at the front office.
- Guests staying at Grand Landak Hotel is required to pay the rent of the room up front to the receptionist.
- Every guest is required to keep the cleanliness of the room. It is strictly prohibited to scribble on the wall of the hotel room.
- Should you be hosting a guest in your room, ensure that it does not disturb other guests staying in the rooms next door.
- Hotel is not responsible for any loss of personal valuable such as money, gold, and other valuables in the room without any confirmation to the hotel party.
- Should any hotel’s room inventory (towel, ashtray, television, etc.) is lost/damaged by either the friend/guest of the room user or the room user himself, the responsibility will be on the hand of the room user.
- In order to avoid the lost of the room key, please leave/entrust your room key to the receptionist upon leaving the hotel area.
All bookings will be well-accepted by the hotel. Should we fail to provide room you have booked in advance, we strive to find the closest alternative of accommodation with the same standard of facilities without any additional charge.